
As I get up to speed on new technologies, some things have taken some figuring out. I’m interested not only in the conclusions — what worked — but also in the process by which a conclusion is arrived at. By recording my process as well as the conclusion eventually reached, I hope to be able to look back from the end, see where I took wrong turns, and draw lessons from my mistakes. I hope to thus improve my research process so that I can arrive at conclusions more efficiently in the future. (I even have some posts on this meta-topic under the tag.)

So I present these series in their goriness — dead ends, rabbit trails and all. Perhaps they’ll be useful to someone else as well!


  1. Trying Out XA
  2. XA, JNDI, and Bitronix
  3. JMS
  4. MagicDraw
  5. Envers, Spring, and JTA
  6. Hibernate + Envers + JTA: One-To-Many Problems

1. Trying Out XA

  1. Trying out XA: untested theory
  2. Trying out XA, part 2: transaction manager and JNDIView
  3. Trying out XA, part 3: dead ends
  4. Trying out XA, part 4: more dead ends
  5. Trying out XA, part 5: a resource adapter rabbit trail
  6. Trying out XA, part 6: rabbit trail
  7. Something works!
  8. XA transactions: how ’bout them rollbacks?
  9. Captain, we’re experiencing a configuration problem…
  10. Join point matching
  11. Simple JMS transaction rollbacks work…
  12. Pardon me sir, was that an XA transaction that just rolled by?
  13. Getting the Oracle XA datasource in place
  14. The beans, the beans, the Hibernate beans…
  15. Deploying with Hibernate too
  16. Finding a JTA UserTransaction
  17. The process of lamination
  18. XA: The conclusion of the example
  19. Testing XA rollback…or not

2. XA, JNDI, and Bitronix

(Testing Outside of the Application Server)

  1. JNDI without an app server? part 1
  2. JNDI without an app server? part 2
  3. Plurals and intuition
  4. Getting a little quicker with Maven
  5. XA, JNDI and Bitronix, part 1
  6. Why the slf4j-jdk14 artifact was optional
  7. XA, JNDI and Bitronix, part 2: JDBC
  8. XA, JNDI and Bitronix, part 3: first send
  9. XA, JNDI and Bitronix, part 4: dancing on the happy path
  10. A minor simplification: the JtaTransactionManager bean
  11. Why we wanted a JNDI server for integration testing
  12. On the classpath
  13. HSQLDB Says ‘No’; Bitronix Chafes
  14. java: Dropping the prefix
  15. Why it wasn’t blowing up when it should have been
  16. Oracle Treajure hunt

3. JMS

  1. The Spring problem that wasn’t
  2. What is an honest MessageListener to do?
  3. Too many rollbacks
  4. CS848 – Heuristics of Enough
  5. Spring and local JMS transactions
  6. The mysterious mirrored message queue
  7. JCA Resource Adapters: outbound vs. inbound
  8. The jms:listener element: hardcoded queue name
  9. Why there were two consumers listening

4. MagicDraw

  1. Figuring out MagicDraw, part 1: the mysterious disappearing method
  2. MagicDraw teamwork projects: Lock ‘n’ Load
  3. MagicDraw: Run it on your primary monitor
  4. MagicDraw: Template Bindings

5. Envers, Spring, and JTA

  1. The versioning isn’t happening, part 1: wanderings
  2. The versioning isn’t happening, part 2: beforeCompletion
  3. The versioning isn’t happening, part 3: it’s in UserTransaction?
  4. The versioning isn’t happening, part 4: Registering with the wrong transaction?
  5. The versioning isn’t happening, part 4a: phone a friend
  6. beforeCompletion, I need to figure this out
  7. An answer
  8. The final answer
  9. Blowing up in test mode

6. Hibernate + Envers + JTA: One-To-Many Problems

  1. Versioning sets: IllegalArgumentException
  2. object is not an instance of declaring class
  3. Why envers was blowing up
  4. Hibernate One-to-Many Foray

0. People Stuff

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